Light that Shines, Part 1

by Chad Mansbridge. In this message Chad takes us through some of Isaiah’s light-related prophecies before landing at the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus calls us, His followers, the light of the world. He then examines some practical ways that we can truly shine for Christ; including to extend, to notice and to initiate.

Rise on Eagle’s Wings

by Jeff Evers. In the third instalment of our “Rise & Shine” preaching series, Jeff shares personal experiences of God’s working through his life as he encourages us to rise on eagle’s wings! Remember, Imagine, Sing and Encourage.

The Key to the Kingdom Realm

by Jaye Mansbridge. In this message Jaye takes us for a walk through the Gospel of Matthew and highlights seven advantages to having access to God's home (heaven) whilst we are still here on earth.

Activating God's Promises

by Erin James. In this opening message for our “Rise & Shine” series, Erin takes us through the story of God calling the Israelites to take the Promised Land. Sometimes God’s promises include risk and require courage; we need to evaluate our beliefs about His sufficiency in order to rise to the challenge!