Heroes: Nehemiah (Unifier of a City)

by Chad Mansbridge. Today's biblical hero is Nehemiah, who united a city and led Israel through a period of relentless pressure, to see God's purposes fulfilled. In this episode of our Heroes 2.0 Series, Chad engages us in a serious conversation about the need to remain united, especially now in 2021, as we continue to walk together through the ever-present pressures brought about by Covid, reminding us that our differences need not divide us. Key texts include: Nehemiah Chapters 2; 4; 5; 6; 13.

Heroes: Onesimus (useless or useful?)

by Rob Moores. Onesimus, a runaway slave, went from being useless to incredibly useful. Rob Moores shares with us that sometimes, we may feel useless but in the hands of God he crowns us otherwise. Key texts: Philemon 8–16.

Heroes: John (The Baptiser)

by Jonathan Ogilvie. Continuing our series on Heroes, Jonathan examines the role of John the Baptiser. He was called to conclude the prophets of the Old Testament and was responsible for heralding the coming of Messiah. Key text: John 1:19-34

Heroes: David (The not so-UnderDog)

by Jesse Mansbridge. On this special Father's Day Service, and to coincide with Bayside's 19th birthday, one of our founding members takes to the pulpit for the very first time!
Listen as Jesse takes us to the story of David and Goliath, and encourages us to be confident and step out in faith knowing our battle is won.
Key passages include: 1 Samuel 17