Restorative Church: Walls and Gates

by Chad Mansbridge. In the closing message of our mini-series ‘Restorative Church’, Chad walks us through the account of Nehemiah who led the third wave of Jerusalem's post-exile restoration. This is a restoration of the Walls and Gates of Jerusalem, representing the city's security, safety and strength. Walls can be a good thing, and it is our responsibility to maintain strong boundaries and guard our gates. Enjoy.

Restorative Church: The Word

by Chad Mansbridge. In Part Two of our mini-series ‘Restorative Church’, Chad walks us through the book of Ezra and camps at chapter 7, where Ezra the scribe leads a restorative return to the Promised Land. This is a restoration of the Word of God to its proper place in God’s community, and Chad encourages us to take a lead from Ezra, and commit ourselves to being a Word-based people. Enjoy.

Restorative Church: Worship

by Chad Mansbridge. From our very beginnings, God has called Bayside to be a restorative church. In this opening episode of a new mini-series, Chad takes us to the book of Ezra to see how a restorative community is a worshipping community—a people who are sensitive, sacrificial, settled and submitted.