20in22: Demolishing Disparity

by Rob Rufus: One of the first Apostolic voices to grace our pulpit in the early days of Bayside, Rob brings a word that encourages Bayside and the Church as a whole. Here Rob delicately unfolds that Disparity is the incongruous contradiction between the promises of God’s word and the actual results Christianity is experiencing. In order to close the gap, we need to recognize what has caused disparity and remove it. Rob unfolds 5 points in this message with the following scriptures. Read Jn14:11&12 and Eph 3:20

20in22: Mansbridge Family Bids Farewell

[FULL SERVICE] by Ebony, Jaye, Charlie, Jesse and Chad Mansbridge. After 20 years of serving as Lead Pastor/s to Bayside Church, the Mansbridge family bid Bayside a fond farewell during this very special Sunday morning service. Amidst fond memories, words of encouragement, and various expressions of gratitude, Chad and Jaye take opportunity to each share their departing words of wisdom to our church family. 

20in22: A Pastor’s Farewell Address

[SERMON ONLY] by Chad Mansbridge. After some fond reflections and personal expressions of thanks from members of his family, Chad takes us, once again, to Acts 20, where we find Paul’s famous ‘farewell address’ to the Ephesian elders—a speech which, in many ways, reflects those given by Old Testament leaders such as Moses, Joshua, Samuel, King David and Jesus. Drawing on highlights from each of these biblical examples, Chad offers the congregation a sincere and heart-felt farewell of his own as his time of serving as Bayside’s lead pastor comes to a close after 20 years. Key texts include Acts 20:17–38; Deut. 31:8; Josh. 24:14–15; 1 Sam. 12:23; 1 Kings 2:2; 1 Chron. 29:17–18; John 13:34–35; Acts 20:28.

20in22: Commissioning for a New Season

by Fini & Isi DeGersigny. On this profoundly significant Sunday morning, apostolic hands are laid on Brooke and Caleb Wheatley, as they are commissioned into their new role as lead pastors of Bayside Church and Chad and Jaye begin to ‘hand on the baton’ to the next generation of Bayside leadership. Fini and Isi are long-time friends of our church family and lead Jubilee Church in Sydney. Key Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:1–11

20in22: Major ‘Moving-Forward’ News

by Chad Mansbridge. In this ‘once-in-20-year message’, Chad sits down to explain how his season of serving as Bayside’s lead pastor is drawing to an end, as he and Jaye sense the Father leading them to relocate interstate for the next phase of their life and ministry journey. A somewhat tender, yet profoundly prophetic moment for our church, in this message you’ll hear details on the process of Chad and Jaye’s journey thus far, and of God’s plans for our future moving forward. Our 20in22 year just got a whole lot more exciting! Key texts: Acts 20:16–38.

20in22: Moving Forward Together

by Chad Mansbridge. After addressing a bit of ‘Family Business’, Chad dons on his ‘teacher hat’ and walks us through a contextual Bible-study of Ancient Israel’s journey in the wilderness; specifically, the second year of their travels, from Mount Sinai to Kadesh Barnea. It is here the Israelites were trained in how to ‘keep in step with the Spirit’—to be a people who followed the cloud of God’s presence. It is also here we see God’s Shepherd-heart … that none would be left behind, but all would move forward together. Key texts: Exodus 40:34-38; Numbers 7:1–2; 9:1–11; 1:1–4; 10:11–13; 9:17–23; John 10:14–16.

20in22: Vision Sunday' (#20in22)

by Chad Mansbridge. On this very special Sunday, Chad dons his 'visionary pastor' hat to give voice and vernacular to the prophetic season in which we find ourselves in 2022—our 20th Anniversary Year. Drawing on the account of Moses, calling the Israelites to 'move on from this mountain', Chad encourages us to see that we truly have come to a 'Moving Forward Moment', as we remember our past, rejoice in the present, and reach ahead into our future together. Key texts: Deuteronomy 1:3–8; Numbers 10:11–14; Joshua 4:1–9.

20in22: Moving Forward

by Nick Resce: Here for his third ministry visit to Bayside as part of a special ordination service, Nick draws on the story of Joshua and encourages us to ‘move forward’ into God’s prophetic purposes and plans. Moving forward necessitates us embracing New Eyes, a New Heart and taking a New Step. Key texts: Joshua 2:1; 3:15; 3:3.