How to Interpret the Bible, Part 3

by Chad Mansbridge. In this final instalment to our winter Word Up! teaching series, Chad finishes up the ABCS of Interpretation, before sitting down with the story of Jesus healing the demonized son and actively demonstrating how to work through the process of interpretation, to discover the JOY of biblical application!

How to Interpret the Bible, Part 2

by Chad Mansbridge. Continuing on with the ABCS of exegesis (biblical interpretation), Chad encourages us to first zoom-out before zooming-in to consider the Bible’s detail. Here, he provides a broad overview of the Bible’s Big-Story Background and then considers the importance of Corroborating Content when reaching theological conclusions.

How to Interpret the Bible, Part 1

by Chad Mansbridge. In Part Five of his winter Word Up! series, Chad walks us through the 3-Step process of Biblical Interpretation (hermeneutics), with a focus on the critical second step; discerning the author’s intended meaning, otherwise known as exegesis. The ABCS of Interpretation begin with establishing (A): the Author and Audience of the text in question.

How to Choose a Bible

by Chad Mansbridge. In this fourth instalment of his Word Up! series, Chad gives some practical advice on choosing a Bible translation which best suits you. He suggests every serious Bible student have ready access to at least four different Bibles in order to get the most out of God’s rich and eternal Word!

How to Handle the Bible

by Chad Mansbridge. In this third instalment of his Word Up! series, Chad unpacks three essential toolboxes God has entrusted to every believer who, like Timothy, are charged to "correctly handle the Word of Truth".

How to Read the Bible, Part 2

by Chad Mansbridge. In this second message for his 2019 Winter Preaching Series “Word Up!”, Chad continues to provide practical pointers regarding how we should approach our Bible-reading. Here, he encourages us to do so with Intentionality, Openness and Understanding.

How to Read the Bible, Part 1

by Chad Mansbridge. In this opening message to his 2019 Winter Preaching Series “Word Up!”, Chad provides some practical pointers regarding how we should go about reading our Bibles. Since the heart of the issue, is an issue of the heart, we first begin with Appreciation and Expectation!